Der Spiegel - Germany

Deutschlands führende Nachrichtenseite. Alles Wichtige aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur, Wissenschaft, Technik und mehr.
  1. Violent attacks, arson attacks, death threats: Brutal hostilities against politicians are shaking democracy in Germany. Experts are observing a growing far-right youth culture and are calling for more protection, especially for public officials in local authorities.
  2. The far-right AfD presents itself as a patriotic party, but revelations about possible monetary payments from Russia and a suspected Chinese spy have exposed its members as traitors to their country. DER SPIEGEL has learned that the Kremlin even drafted a "manifesto" for the party.
  3. The German chancellor and his foreign minister recently visited China and the Middle East and the government is conducting crisis diplomacy at all the global hotspots. But Berlin has failed to deliver much, and some are asking if Germany is even a global player politically.
  4. An open letter about Hitler salutes in the schoolyard and swastikas on the benches of a school in the municipality of Burg made nationwide headlines in Germany. But is the place really a hotbed of right-wing extremism? We went to find out.
  5. The Identitarian Movement in Germany seemed to have ebbed. But now the right-wing extremists are making a comeback. They have close ties to the Alternative for Germany party and a notable financier who used to be an important member of the center-right Christian Democrats.